Happened to be down in the music Capital of The World…Austin TX last week and was happy to catch Tommy Shannon (Johnny Winter, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Arc Angels, and the list goes on), David Holt (long time axe man including Storyville with Double Trouble) and Tommy Taylor (drummer Christopher Cross, Eric Johnson) at Anotone’s They played the early show and the crowd was thin (Wed night at 6:30 is not exactly prime blues concert time), but the music was SWEET! Here’s a little clip, guys sounded great…couldn’t help think that they were a little miffed at the poor turnout, maybe doing a better job at engaging the people who WERE there would have been a good second option as Antone’s builds it’s clientele once again after moving to a 6th location on East 5’th street across from the tall Hilton Hotel (a little off the East 6th street music row, but easily walkable from most locations downtown)
Tramadol Buy Overnightfollow site Get out and support Antone’s, get out to see Tommy and the boys – they really are super talented…lots of fun!