January 2019 Archives


I’ve got nearly 100 old vinyl records in a box from 30 years ago or more…I always swore I would get back into vinyl one of these days and yesterday was that DAY!

With the resurgence of vinyl, turntables have suddenly become the NEW IN THING, for some audiophiles of course, they never went OUT…but slowly and surely they have picked up popularity to the point where turntables are quickly becoming a must-have for the mainstream music lover again – COOL!!

So, after weeks of research, I decided to go with the Rega Planar 1 (P1) turntable – made by a company from the UK who have been making high quality turntables for decades. As you’ll see in my video – I was NOT disappointed, and I know if you are ready to take a step back (or forward) toward a love of vinyl you will NOT be disappointed either – here’s the unboxing, setup and review…ENJOY!

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Have you guys had the chance to take a look at Gary Clark Jr. new material?

Real mix of styles ranging from “Ramones” influenced rock to some very authentic soul and of course – BLUES!

In that mix is the first released single and video – This Land…a very hard-core protest song and video where Gary uses his platform to share statements on black America at this point in time where progress has been made, but has seemingly stalled of late regarding racial equality.

I’m not usually a big fan of music serving messages, but where sufficient attention has been paid to the MUSIC and there is a strong message as part of that music then I’m all for it…and in this case I think Gary has achieved this completely.

Leave me your thoughts…