Buddy Guy -Mentoring 12-Year Old Hayden Fogle


https://everitte.org/zdjmspnmmj One of the things I truly love about blues music is how each generation shows such respect and passes down stories, techniques and songs from the generation before.

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https://boxfanexpo.com/1y6xdtv These are real stories, real emotions and incredible passion and love for the music and for the legacy of those who started and brought the blues to new audiences over the years.

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go site With few of the 2cnd generation of blues legends left (Buddy Guy and BB King would fall into that camp), it’s more important than ever that their professionalism, passion, techniques and respect for blues guitar is passed on to the next generation.


https://vbmotorworld.com/nfuxeup So when I see a video like this of Buddy “hands-on” mentoring a talent like 12-year old Hayden Fogle, I have faith that the blues will endure.


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go There are dozens of “little” lessons in being a blues musician and performer wrapped into this short clip:


https://luisfernandocastro.com/ezhde8d2f 1. To start low and slow and build, then reset taking your audience on an emotional journey of peaks and valleys
2. To give others the spotlight and then to volley back and forth to give the audience an ever-changing show
3. To be a band leader (watch as Hayden, gives glances to the drummer to change the tempo or accent a beat) and not just a passenger up there
4. To be in the spotlight and learn to play to your audience
5. To put on a show as well as play music
6. To not focus too much on playing a perfect note, but to go outside the box and do some bizarre Buddy bends making it a fascinating, unpredictable show for the audience (Buddy is especially good at this which is at least in part, why he has stayed relevant all these years)
7. By example, teaching young Hayden to be as generous with his talent, time and audience to show and share with other musicians in the age-old blues tradition

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