Colin James – Some Acoustic Blues Guitar Brilliance

follow url Being from Canada and a big blues guitar fan Colin James is one Canadian artist I have followed consistently over the last 22-years, since his first self-titled debut “Colin James” was released.  Though now with him living out in Western Canada, we don’t get to see him as much as I would like.

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here Colin was rooted in the blues at an extremely early age, was touched by the magic of fellow blues guitar slinger Stevie Ray Vaughan as a teen and has since gone on to be one of the most diverse, entertaining and creative artists in Canadian music history. While Colin always stays rooted in the blues, he hasn’t been afraid to mix it with equal parts jazz, jump jazz, country and pop – we never know what we are getting from Colin next, but rest assured it will be worth listening to.

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here Here is a cool clip from a recent Canadian tour where Colin does some mean acoustic blues guitar with a rhythm that just won’t quit. Sounds like his is mixing parts from a few blues classics in here – definitely Rock Me Baby is mixed in, but it is the acoustic guitar work that really makes this clip interesting – take a watch.

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follow How’s that for some nifty finger-picking and with the old I-IV-V chord progression?

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