Jimmie Vaughan’s Guitar Setup


see url Came across this video sharing the details of Jimmie Vaughan’s guitar setup…if you are a fan of Jimmie you know that he is a minimalist (that’s what they called Steve Jobs by the way…so nothing wrong with that!)


https://opponix.com/6ta0wng I’m a huge fan of Jimmie Vaughan’s simple, clear, biting tone – but find at times he could use some more sustain and little more low end.


http://geoffnotkin.com/laygu/buy-genuine-valium-online-uk.php Indeed, in this setup we see why he gets such a “thin” tone…it includes often setting the Fender Strat pickup to one of the lower positions, setting the tone to high treble and playing the guitar “cold” (not at full volume) as well as his amplifiers are set with presence and treble extremely high (almost full) with Bass way down near 3-4.

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