Simple Blues Jam In A – Fender Strat and Fender Deluxe Amp
As many of you guys know, Friday’s can be especially inspirational…here’s some noodling to a blues backing track in A, love to know what you think.
Deadly Combination Of Talent, Confidence, Honesty and Style – The Vaughan Brothers
To me, this picture says it all about the value of integrity, hard-work and passion for music, self-confidence (that comes from staying true to yourself and your talent) and style…and answers the question why so many people LOVE the Vaughan Brothers – Jimmie and Stevie Ray… Between them, I’ve seen Jimmie and Stevie Ray more […]
Feeling It With This Am Blues…
Love the sound of a Fender Stratocaster through Fender Deluxe Reissue, and oh that Am groove…